Eleanor R.

our NEW kitchen table…


One Valentine’s Day {during our college years} Andy surprised me with a beautiful table he had made all by himself!  It was just beautiful…  The table had 9 different squares to fill up with what ever tickled my fancy…  He had chosen dried split peas and beans to make a pattern with the different colors.  Of course, when we got married, the table took center stage in my kitchen and it saw many “first” for our new little family.  We were lucky enough to have a spot in our newlywed home for a beautiful antique dining room table as well, given to us by Andy’s parents.  Again, this table saw many “first” and both tables hold more memories than their eight legs could hold…  

When we were planning our new home I knew exactly where I wanted my dining room table…  And so, Andy built my kitchen around what had been and would be the heart of  our home, our kitchen table.  

In the four years that we have been here, we have had our table and even changed things up a bit by using Andy’s grandmothers table.  It was beautiful and had been in their family for a very long time.  I wanted so bad to use it, but it just wasn’t the right fit for our space.    And really after moving tables from here to there I noticed that our dining room table that we had used all these years… well, it just didn’t fit the way I had imagined.   Now, don’t get me wrong… it was great and had looked beautiful there in its corner.  But, I had something else in mind…  I knew if I was going to replace this table, full of memories, it had to be with something very special.  You know, something my kids would fight over when I was dead and gone to GloryLand!  

Well, we did it…  Together, we planned, designed, cut, hammered, sanded and sanded some more.  It is exactly as I had dreamed it up in my little head!  Beautiful!


And we had a blast making it together!


The wood comes from two different old barns, one in Kentucky that our dear friend Jesse cut up and brought to us.  The other bit of wood comes from a barn that belonged to an old friend’s grandfather.  The barn was falling in and he offered to let us use some of it in our new home.  So, I would say, from the beginning, we are off to a good start and from the looks of the pics above…  we have already started piling on the memories.  

Oh, and the night we brought it upstairs, my Daddy just loved it and  wanted to know what I was gonna do when, “one of these kids spills something all over it” … five minutes later… HE spilled coffee all over my table! {can’t stop laughing…so funny}  I love my Daddy!


Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dream of letting anything happen to the other two tables.  They hold a dear place in our hearts and we still use them in our home.

Now that I think of it… three tables… three kids… maybe they won’t have to fight over Momma’s tables after all!

 Peace Out,


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