Eleanor R.

family | teaching Mark 16:15


You know it is getting that time of year again…  The salty air is calling and my man is itching for sun and sand.  Wishing we could just slip off for a taste of the sea; I can’t help but think back on the memories we have made there.  This is probably one of my favorite past times and traditions we have started as a family.   With this crazy southern winter almost behind us and spring time calling, I thought I would share an old updated post with you guys…

Ever since Will could walk, he has brought me rocks of all shapes and sizes…  And from rocks he eventually added shells…   Soon after Will, Emma joined in and now following suit…  Josie brings me the small treasures.  It’s just our thing and I LOVE it!  I have jars and jars filled to the rim with intentionally selected treasures worth far more than their weight in gold.

It was a beautiful salty October afternoon and we had just filled our bellies with the infamous Cajun Pistols.  Strolling down the sidewalk, cutting up with one another, it was just force of habit for Will to bend over and scoop it up…  The most beautiful seashell peeking out from the blades of grass. Thinking for a moment how the shell was oddly placed, I quickly dismissed as he handed it over with  a sweet smile.   Thanking him, I placed it in my pocket to later add to our jars.

It wasn’t until a couple of days later that I noticed something poking out of the edge of the shell… Little did we know, we HAD truly found a treasure.

Tucked inside the Lettered Olive shell, the grooviest little note…

“Man, great that you found me.  I’m a lettered olive shell.  Look at me, there may be a letter from your name on me.  

God sent me to say – “Olive You!” ~ I John 4:7-8″ 

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.  ||  1 John 4:7-8

Fabulous, huh!?!  After a little googling, we learned that the Lettered Olive shell gets its common name from the darker surface markings on the shell, that resemble letters.


So, what did we do…  We went and grabbed us some shells (not sure if they were actually “Lettered Olive”, but they were surely their first cousin, maybe even sister shell) and headed back home to write our little notes.  We had such a fun time making little treasures for someone else to find.  


Family writing notes to put inside shell for sharing gospel

Emma took her time to copy the original note, letter for letter…  Everyone adding his or her touch and together praying that they would be found by the one who needed to be reached.


This day was definitely the beginning of a great family tradition…  A wonderful opportunity to teach our children biblical truths and such a groovy way to bring the word to life for the kiddos. It was a wonderful lesson to go out, spreading and sharing the love of Christ!

Shows a young girl writing a note for inside a shell

We have often made these little notes…  Our women’s ministry joined in on the fun one evening.  Creating their love notes in their shells.  Taking them and placing them just where they desired.  Andy and I with the kids have placed these intentionally throughout town. Creating a little family tradition on vacation as well as at home.  One afternoon, we turned a quick grocery trip into a groovy little mission at Target…  So fun!

Having fun together with our little Lettered Olive Shells and teaching our kids the gospel… Mark 16:15  and 1 John 4:7-8!

We hope you LOVE this little story as much as I love sharing it.  Maybe when you and your family head to the beach… you’ll have a new family tradition!  Let us know if you give it a try! 


natalie signature small 



  1. alexa james says:

    Awww I love that !!! The Lettered Olive shell

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