March 11, 2014
Two beautiful ladies… one from my past and one from my present. Coming together to testify for the sake of The Kingdom.
I knew the importance of a testimony, the power given to the hope in our words. I told Him I really wasn’t sure where to begin. Who would be willing to share? He placed their faces in my mind and said, start here and more will come. I wrestled with her name and wasn’t sure about asking… I knew she had a story, but I just wasn’t certain if she cared to tell. You know, there is nothing like old friends… it has been said they are the best! I spent a good bit of my youth with this beauty and we made some more memories together! We both can attest to God’s unending GRACE. I love her and I am overwhelmed with joy at the work of HIS hand in her life. This one is special.
Kim’s story… You know I have been in and out of AA and NA for years. The last 4 years of my life I was addicted to Heroin, IV. I wanted to die but I wanted to live. I didn’t know how to do the living and I was too scared to kill myself, although that’s exactly what I was slowly doing to myself and my loved ones. On December 28th 2012 I finally made it back to detox. I told God I would do whatever this time. I told Him I would completely surrender my will and my thinking, my guilt and my shame, all of it if He would give me one more chance at this living business. I went through so much physical, emotional, and spiritual pain but I kept holding on. After 3 weeks at Caradale Lodge, my friend and counselor advised that I come to a halfway house in Dothan. I didn’t have anything to lose and I had everything to gain. So I came to Dothan. I started therapy for the loss of Kaylie and for the guilt of not being the mother to Abbie (my 10 yr old) that I so desperately wanted to be, but didn’t know how to not be so selfish. I started going to meetings, got a sponsor, worked the steps and I built a relationship with God. Or He built one with me. The program I was in was a 3 month program (I stayed for 6 months) I graduated and moved into a place that I can call Home. Over a year ago, I was unemployable and had hurt and pushed away everyone who loved me. Through this process I began to seek God and ask what He would have me to do. And miracles just started to happen. I began to share my story in meetings and with women suffering with addiction. In doing that, I have found my purpose in life. It is to give back the hope that was so freely given to me. January 4th 2014 I celebrated one year clean but not only that I celebrated much more. I have a new life today that I do not deserve. If I had of gotten what I deserved I would be dead. But my God is so merciful and so forgiving, always ready to show me who He is and how much He loves me. I have a relationship with my parents and sister, niece and nephew that I never dreamed possible. I still do not have a relationship with my 10-year-old but God is in control and I KNOW that in His time, it will all come to pass. I have left it all in his hands, for he has proven that His ways are far better than mine. I work for a group of attorneys and am responsible and a productive member of society. All I had to do was surrender… To give up trying to do things my way and reach out and ask for help. It is only by the Grace of God that I sit here typing this to you with complete assurance in my heart and say “My God’s not dead He’s surely alive.. He’s living on the inside roaring like a lion.” There is always HOPE! || Kim Canada
I knew I loved Alexa before I had ever laid eyes upon her! I could hear her love for Christ and His people in her precious voice. We were kindred sisters no doubt. When I had the chance to sit down and talk with her face to face I was overwhelmed at His radiance that shined through her. She has a kind smile and beautiful heart to serve.
Alexa’s story… I have learned that over the years in life that you do not just get firsthand faith by pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, (I tried) firsthand faith is something you get through a relationship with you Father. He alone gives us Faith grace through a life of love and obedience to Him. I have a son-ship to the kingdom all because He is my daddy! Firsthand faith is when you are standing so close to the Red Sea that you can feel the ocean spray blow across your face, I have felt it and trembled. Then you look to your left on the horizon and you see the army coming to slay you and everything in their path. They are so close I can taste the dust, Have you been there? Where the only option is die by the hand of the army (maybe choose the wrong path) or really truly step into the RAGING RED SEA, absolutely with all your heart knowing that God will indeed part the Red Sea for you and those by your side! I chose to step into the Red Sea, eyes wide open, believing my Daddy would carry me through this Red Sea experience. He did, others mocked me, not believing God can still part seas. That is my Firsthand Faith Story! I chose the WellHouse with no promise of anything, over a corporate position, with my youngest to go to college in three months! I am so glad I chose the RED SEA!! || Alexa James
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. || Joshua 1:9
standing on dry land,

You are the one who has touched my life!! Love you Friend!
Nat, Your blog means so much to me. They are always uplifting & inspirational. I appreciate everything you do for The Kingdom of God.