Welcome to 31 Days of Family Fun!
I am so excited to be joining in on all the fun and inspiration… I am linking up to “31 days of… ” to celebrate the beginning of FALL! One of my favorite seasons! Actually, they are all my favorite, but I have a soft spot for FALL. Over the next 31 days, I will be bringing you great ideas for creating and inspiring awesome family fun. I’ll try and keep it short and sweet so you can check out all the other great blogs filled with oodles and oodles of inspiration and good stuff for this time of year.
There is nothing greater than spending time with my precious family. So, I hope you join me in slowing it down a notch and focusing on the good stuff… the stuff that matters! So stay tuned, I’ll be bringing you some fun ideas. Here is to time with your family. Hope you are inspired… Happy FALL y’all!
DAY 1: Ice Cream… You Scream… We ALL Scream For Ice Cream!
{well in this case YOGURT}
If you haven’t visited one of the ever popular yogurt bars, you should load up the family and find one A.S.A.P. Here in my neck of the woods, they are not very difficult to find. Several different ones to try out with the family. Be careful… they can be kinda pricey! If you are not careful, you can get caught up in all the flavors and toppings and next thing you know you have 15 pounds of a rainbow of yogurt sprinkled with froot loops and gummy bears that you will never eat! The flavors and toppings are crazy fun and really good! For a fun family outing, these places are really great! And, honestly… I think the adults love it just as much as the kiddos!
Family Fun with my SWEET FAMILY!