RADIANT | Day 8…
Opening up your heart and being uncomfortable…
Tonight I was blessed to see an amazing woman shine her light for Christ. My precious friend Jean shared the story of Esther… the book almost read like a romance novel. It was exciting and of course her personality added that extra “umph” to the story! Tonight Jean shared that she was thankful for the opportunity to share with other women. What a blessing it had been to her and how she had already seen God at work through her obedience. See, Jean comes across as a really quiet person {although I think she has us fooled!} and tonight was a real act of faith. She was obedient to the cause of Christ and stepped out and shared His word with others in hope that they would hear something or learn something new… something they could use in their everyday. Jean is just flowing with Jesus!
Tonight Jean put herself in an uncomfortable situation and trusted that God would meet her there. If you asked Jean, she would say He did. He is so faithful. Through her willingness, her desire to shine for Him, her faith that Christ would be there… others paths became brighter and Jean was blessed! Isn’t God just so awesome like that! By the way, she rocked the story of Esther! Which reads like a racy novel… You just can’t beat this Book! It is full of great stuff! HaHa!
Obedience and faithfulness will bring God glory! His word tells us to not grow weary for at the right time we will reap the harvest. Also loved 1 John 4:18 in the Amplified Bible…
There is no fear in love, dread does not exist, but full-grown, complete, perfect love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror.
Jean knew this was out of her element, but really it wasn’t. Her love for Christ gave her the courage and she radiated through her story of Esther and “such a time as this”! I left with knew knowledge, understanding and a desire to be a modern day Esther!
13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”[a] Since we have that same spirit of[b]faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 2 Corinthians 4:13 {NIV}
Once a month, a group of wonderful women from my church family {all ages: ripe, seasoned and pickled…} gather together and catch up, laugh a lot, eat really good food and learn about women of the Bible. We gather in a home and fellowship, seeking Christ in all things. There is something about opening up ones home to others for the sake of the Kingdom. I believe when we go out of our way… Cause let’s be honest here… Inviting others over isn’t just inviting others over, it is going out of our way! There is just things to do and preparations to be made ahead of time! When we open up our homes we are showing that we are opening up our hearts; His presence is felt resulting in a loving and safe environment. Serving Christ in this manner we can’t help but reflect His goodness, His light. I am so thankful for Marilyn shining His Radiant light by opening her home, preparing a beautiful meal and giving of herself. Her love for Christ was evident in the atmosphere of her home!
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels. Hebrew 13:2 {KJV}
Being Radiant is shining in the everyday, in the in-between, to a stranger or to a friend, going the extra mile and being willing to be uncomfortable! Look for opportunities to shine!
Together, let us continue to read His words, reminding ourselves of our worth, our purpose and be confident we have a light to shine.
get uncomfortable and be radiant,
catch up here…