Eleanor R.

looking in the wrong places


You can’t put a square in a round hole and you sure can’t fill your life with temporary when you were created for eternal.

Some spend their whole life seeking, grabbing and consuming just to feel complete, needed, accomplished, accepted… Only to find out at the end of the day they have come up short and desperately lacking.  Others spend second after seconds after minutes after hours desperately searching only to find the days became decades and there is no getting back.

When will we stop searching and searching and searching?  When will we see He is all we need. When will we BELIEVE the words that we read?   When will we stand on HIS TRUTHS?  When will we understand that we were designed for His glory?

Why do we crawl between the leather searching with such pride taking only that which fits and leaving the other to the ones that really need it?  The bible was intended to take as a whole.  It is His whole story.  Cover to cover.

If you are tired of searching, exhausted  from looking…  If you are ready for the truth, I know  the One thing that will set you free.  I know the One thing that will quench your thirst and satisfy your desires. I know the One who fills empty holes and gaping wounds.  I know the One who is desperate for you to know Him more.

Don’t you know that we are living in a world starving for His TRUTH.  We have forgotten how to seek Christ and discern His word.  We have played church for so long we are worn and weary and exposing the truth of shallow roots.

I am joyfully overwhelmed with a burden and speak only with love and humility as I desperately plea with you to help me in this mission, this REVIVAL of bringing God’s people back to His TRUTH, His word.  To know our Savior, we MUST seek Him.

The last few days I have watched as something I so urgently prayed for is slowly but surely coming to fruition.  Gloriously blossoming with broken back stories.  People being reminded they want more.  They are tired of settling for the mundane.  It is exciting to see the ripples from the stone, the Rock.

I am asking you this…  If you want to know Him more…  If you are tired of searching only to realize you are coming up empty, AGAIN.  Join me PLEASE in believing that if we trade what seems to be good for something so much greater and better, He will meet us there.  His word tells us in Jeremiah that if we seek Christ, we WILL FIND Him.  What assurance to know that we will find our Lord when we look for Him with all of our heart, we will be filled!

 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile. Jeremiah 29:12-14

Did you read such tender words…  I will be found by you.

I WILL be found by you.

I WILL be found by YOU.

I am reading HIS word and Christ is proclaiming I will FIND HIM!  He knows my heart and He knows I am seeking Him.  He is assuring me that if I seek Him I will find Him.

You may be lost, so far of course, BUT you will find HIM.

You have claimed to know his truths but never for yourself, YOU will be find HIM.

You know that deep down you yearn to trade this good life for something so much better and I am telling you friend YOU WILL FIND HIM!

Tomorrow morning.  YES, TOMORROW morning join me!  No more excuses!  No more good enough.  Grab for something better, take hold of The BEST!

Each morning we are waking with a hunger for more of Him.  Choosing to give HIM our first. Trading those few quiet moments for words that will WAKE our soul.  You will NOT so this alone! So many are joining, accepting this CHALLENGE to truly become Warriors of His WORD!

Tomorrow is my birthday…  Yeah, I know.  My birthday and my precious Momma’s BIRTHING Day!  For me, today represents a day of beginnings, fresh starts and BIRTH.

I couldn’t think of a better day to spend in prayer for each of you.  Broken at the knees that you would join me in this effort.  Humbly and desperately crying that all barriers will be removed and you will be drawn to His word, and to my side to encourage others around us to take this challenge.  I am praying that today on my day of new beginning, you will choose to claim this day for your own…  May today be the day you decide to put Him first…  May today be the day you feel led to share with others how you are already spending your first with Him…  May today be the day of new beginnings and a new life with Christ.  He desires to know you more, to hold you close as my groovy Momma did SOOO many years ago…  Looking at me for the first time and feeling like she had known me forever…  The beginning of something beautiful…  A covenant relationship between two…  I’m overflowing and on my knees for His truths to be awakened within you and I!

Could you imagine…  Each morning more and more of His people whispering His truths, speaking his Life into a dying world.  Can you imagine the rhythm of our thoughts and our hearts and our souls and our voices coming together in unison, one Body, vibrating, RAKING and SHAKING the gates of HELL!  And my sweet friends if that thought alone don’t fuel your fire, then please, please, please CALL ME!  I need to tell you about my Jesus!

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If you already spend this time in devotion with Christ, please don’t let that stop you from joining us!  I pray you are refreshed that others are challenged to study along side you and you will be refreshed with this precious community!

Let’s fill up these screens with His word!  Let’s smack the enemy in the face with His TRUTH!

Starting today,  TWENTY-ONE days! Yep, that’s right you heard me for TWENTY-ONE days we are going to meet each morning, sharing how we spend the first of our days.  I am BELIEVING  fires will be IGNITED, embers FLAMED, and NEW fresh desires for His WORD will begin TODAY!

From my heart, thank you for joining in…  BELIEVING His Kingdom will be changed from our obedience and our LOVE for His TRUTH!


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  1. Larry Gamble says:

    This so true Nat. Why search, when He is right ther calling to us. He is our Rock & Shield. Larry

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