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Covenant Marriage | Bible Study + Reading Plan

Be warned friend.  The world has shown us a counterfeit love and sadly many have accepted. Maybe not intentionally but over time with the wearing down, we’ve been deceived and it pushes hard to be our standard. Whatever your experience with love has been, up until this point, whatever your marriage may look like today…  […]

Rooted In Wisdom

Our culture today allows us the expense of excessive knowledge at the simple prompt of our voice.  At this, we are filled with an endless hunger for knowledge and influence. But wisdom… Isn’t that knowledge? I am here to speak to you, the woman who the world is trying to reflect a specific way.  In […]

Fresh Beginnings

Fresh Beginnings is a beautiful set of scriptures gathered by my dear and precious friend, Joy Moman. This 31 Day Reading Plan will keep you engaged and rooted in God’s Word daily, bringing you encouragement and hope as you grow in your faith. from Joy… “…the time of the singing of birds has come”.  With these passages […]

Broken to Beautiful

In order for a seed to grow, it has to be broken. My pastor shared this illustration during a very difficult season and I grabbed hold of it for dear life.  It was just the hint of hope that I needed to believe there truly could be something beautiful birthed from my brokenness. At first, being broken […]

Monthly Bible Study + Reading Plan on Aspects of Love

Aspects of Love

Would you agree that the word LOVE is probably the most watered down word in the English language? Yeah, me too!  I know personally as a girl who loves to show her affection to others, I have definitely worn this word out! So, what does it really mean… LOVE?  You could sum up Webster’s definition by simply defining […]


  “Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in a balance and the hills in a pair of scales?”  Isaiah 40:12