Today most will find themselves in a sea of patriotism at its finest… flags flying, fireworks exploding, life sprinkled with red, white and blue. I will be among hundreds, thousands today, celebrating freedom and I am so grateful to be one of them. As we celebrate our freedom I realize we live in a world where slavery still exists and people are chained captive. Sadly those in bondage are not just marked by the description of human trafficking or the colors of their flag. If we were really honest here we would know as we walk among these faces today we walk among the captive… these same ones that celebrate their independence cry from the invisible chains that hold them down.
My heart is heavy for human trafficking, but we will hold that for another day. Today I want to bring your attention to the things we have in our life that keep us from living an abundant life, the life Christ intended for us to live. There was a time in my life I honestly do not know how I was able to breathe. The weight of the chains that held me was consuming.
It’s like the person standing waist deep in the ocean… Above the water, everything looks fine and even fun. But what most don’t see is the muscles flexing, feet gripping just to stay balanced and not get pushed and pulled under by the current. The ocean is a beautiful thing… I have a heart for the sea. I am very aware of the power and strength it holds. Above the beauty of the white caps and below the twisting and rolling of the current pulling downward and out to the vast ocean.
Learning to choose God, to surrender all to Him gave me spiritual freedom. Learning to really live in His freedom has been the grandest adventure and it just keeps getting better. Not only is it truly liberating, but it is allowing me to really reflect Christ Light and be Radiant for Him. Through Christ alone, I am able to shine His light on others darkened paths. Freedom to shine. Freedom to be Radiant.
I am a blessed girl to have been raised by Jesus loving parents; they continue to show me Christ love through their words and actions. Recently, my dad has had the privilege of leading a small group titled LIFE, Living In Freedom Everyday. So, I ask him to share his thoughts on real freedom and this is what he had to say…
“It is for freedom that Christ set us free. That’s what Paul wrote in Galatians 5:1, and Jesus Himself said that He came to earth so that we may have life and have it to the full {John 10:10}. Just imagine that: life abundant. Not barely surviving, but truly living. Laughter. Hope. Restoration. Purpose. And Freedom. This is the kind of life God wants us to have. God wants a relationship with you so He sent His son Jesus to bridge the gap between earth and heaven so you could know Him. And guess what… It’s ours for the asking!” – Kenny McLeod {my sweet Daddy}
Isn’t he just groovy! I pray not only today you celebrate the Independence of America… I pray you rejoice for the true spiritual FREEDOM that comes only from God.
Together, let us continue to read His words, reminding ourselves of our worth, our freedom, our purpose and be confident we have a light to shine. “Not barely surviving, but truly living.”
be free and be radiant,
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalms 34:5
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