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let your light shine…

Well, for some time now we are being reminded to take care on our planet. Conserve. Recycle. Reuse. Repurpose. Mother nature is getting a bit used up and we are being encouraged to lend a helping hand. One of the easiest ways to going green is to conserve electricity. From replacing old bulbs with new […]

having faith…

Hey Guys!I have to say I love all of the seasons. They each in their own way are my absolute favorite. There is nothing better than Summer afternoons on the beach, and watching my kids pick tomatoes off of the vine. But then, you might catch me saying how Fall is my most favorite time […]

the signature

Hey Guys, Sorry I am coming to you so late in the week. Andy and I have been really sick and haven’t been able to send a new verse out. I have really enjoyed searching for these verses and reading the Word of God. The whole thing has really been a blessing. I appreciate your […]

draw your swords…

Hey Guys! Hope every one’s Monday is going better than mine. The devil is working overtime trying to keep me from sending out His Word!! But, Here I Am!!! I don’t know about you guys, but that was a really tough verse for me to learn. I am not sure why, I think I just […]

for theirs is the kingdom…

This past week and the weekend was so crazy! I did not realize my world would be so altered just by baseball. Running here and there, nonstop! I was reminded by a dear friend that when things get crazy, just take a drink of Jesus! (good story…will research more and then share with you guys!) […]

do not grieve…

Hey Guys,Thanks again for all the encouraging words. I hate I am coming to you guys a day late, but, bare with me. I have got a great verse to share with you guys. Several of you passed on verses that have helped you at some time or another (and I loved them!) and I […]